Doctor Liyong Leo Wang

Department of English

Shaanxi Normal University

199 South Chang’an Road, Xi’an, P.R. China 710062

Tel: +8618792788109



2015 Ph.D. in linguistics, Nanjing University, P.R. China. Thesis:Focal Prominence and the Argument Structure of Chinese: The Case of Locative Subject Constructions.

2007 M.A. in linguistics, Xi’an Jiaotong University, P.R. China.Thesis: Hedging in History Texts: A Comparative Study of Two History Books.

2004 B.A. in English, Hebei Teachers’ University, P.R. China.


2015- Lecturer, Department of English, Shaanxi Normal University, P.R. China.

2009-2010 Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, Northwest Agriculture & Forestry University, P.R. China.

2007-2009 Teaching assistant, Department of Foreign Languages, Northwest Agriculture & Forestry University, P.R. China.

Research Grants

2019-2021 The Social Science Fund of Shaanxi Province (No. 2019M007) “A Corpus-based Comparative Study of the Cognitive Mechanisms of English and Chinese Non-canonical Subject Constructions”. RMB 20,000.

2018-2020 Shaanxi Normal University Academic Translation Project (No. 18ZHWY04) “Selected Readings in Studies on Chinese Grammar in the 20th Century ”. RMB 30,000.

2017-2020 MOE (Ministry of Education in China) Project of Humanities and Social Sciences(No. 17YJA740039) “Chinese Passives from the Perspective of Cognitive Grammar”. With Pang, J. (PI). RMB 100,000.

2015-2020 MOE (Ministry of Education in China) Project of Humanities and Social Sciences (No.15YJC740046) “Chinese Verbal Classifiers from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics”. With Liu, J. (PI). RMB 80,000.

2013-2019 The National Social Science Fund of China (No. 13BYY011) “A Cognitive Semantic Perspective on Verb Meaning Representation and Dynamic Argument Structure.” With Zhang, R. (PI). RMB 200,000.

2011-2015 MOE (Ministry of Education in China) Project of Humanities and Social Sciences (No.11YJC740080) “A Cognitive Study of Nominal Predicate Constructions in Chinese”. With Pang, J. (PI). RMB 80,000.


Wang, L. A. 2019. Cognitive Grammar account of argument alternation: A case of two types of retained-object constructions in Chinese.Bulletin of Linguistic Studies24 (1): 60-75. (CSSCI-indexed)

Wang, L. & H. Han. 2016. The subject of possessive subject constructions in Chinese: metonymy or active zone?Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies(4): 56-65. (CSSCI-indexed)

Wang, L. 2016. On the cognitive motivation of the English contrastive reduplication constructions.Foreign Languages and Their Teaching(1): 81-89. (CSSCI-indexed)

Wang, L. 2015. A Cognitive Grammar account of the reduplicative patterns of Chinese classifiers.TCSOL Studies(2): 53-20. (CSSCI-expanded)

Wang, L. 2015. Construal and the semantic basis of the unaccusativity/unergativity distinction.Modern Foreign Languages(2): 159-170. (CSSCI-indexed)

Conference presentations

2019 Wang, L. Analogical blending and theNP zhong-de NPconstruction in Mandarin Chinese. CCLC-11. Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, P.R. China, November 2019.

2018 Wang, L. A conceptual blending perspective on theNP zhong-de NPconstruction in Mandarin Chinese. The First National Forum on Cognitive Grammar, Nanyang College, Nanyang, P.R. China, November 2018.

2017 Wang, L. Licensing non-core arguments in Cognitive Grammar: The case of the retained-object constructions. ICLC-14. University of Tartu, Estonia, July 2017.

2017 Wang, L. A Cognitive Grammar account of syntax-semantics mismatch: The case ofhen+Nconstructions in Chinese. ICLC-10. Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, P.R. China, October 2017.

2016 Wang, L. A Cognitive Grammar account of two types of retained-object constructions. Young Scholars’ Forum on Contemporary Linguistics. Nanjing University, Nanjing, P.R. China, August 2016.

2015 Wang, L. What determines argument Selection: The case of so-called pseudo-existentials in Mandarin Chinese. The International Conference on Language Form and Function. Suchow University, Suzhou, P.R. China, March 2015.

2014 Wang, L. Subject of the possessive-subject and possessum-object construction in Chinese: Metonymy or active zone? International Conference on Cognitive Linguistics and Pragmatics: Theory and Practice. Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, P.R. China, October 2014.

2013 Wang, L. Unaccusative mismatches: A Cognitive Grammar account. CCLC-8. Henan University, Kaifeng, P.R. China, November 2013.

2012 Wang, L. Contrastive Focus Reduplication in English from the Perspective of Cognitive Grammar. Syntax and Semantics in China 2012. Nanjing University, Nanjing, P.R. China, June 2012.

2012 Wang, L. A Cognitive Grammar account of the reduplicative patterns of Chinese classifiers.The 14thChina International Conference on Contemporary Linguistics. Xi’an International Studies University, May 2012.


A.Undergraduate courses

Introduction to Linguistics; Sociolinguistics; Second Language Acquisition; First Year English; Second Year English

B.Graduate courses

Syntax; Sociolinguistics; Research Methodology and M.A. Thesis Writing

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